
若SHR-1儲存集區的硬碟配置如下,可能須增加兩顆硬碟,才能將儲存集區由SHR-1類型變更為SHR-2類型:.儲存集區僅由兩顆硬碟組成。所有硬碟的容量皆不同。由三顆或更多顆 ...,2024年2月28日—TochangefromSHR-1toSHR-2requiresyoutohaveafreebayandextradrive.Ifyou'veusedallfivebayswithfivedrivesforaSHR-1storage ...,2022年7月12日—SHR跟Basic不是兩種不同的東西嗎?只有2bay.用SHR跟RAID1是一樣的.跟本用不到SHR的功能.SHR只...

變更儲存集區的RAID 類型

若SHR-1 儲存集區的硬碟配置如下,可能須增加兩顆硬碟,才能將儲存集區由SHR-1 類型變更為SHR-2 類型:. 儲存集區僅由兩顆硬碟組成。 所有硬碟的容量皆不同。 由三顆或更多顆 ...

Move from SHR-1 to SHR

2024年2月28日 — To change from SHR-1 to SHR-2 requires you to have a free bay and extra drive. If you've used all five bays with five drives for a SHR-1 storage ...

有關2 bay 大家都選raid1 還是SHR basic

2022年7月12日 — SHR 跟Basic 不是兩種不同的東西嗎? 只有2bay. 用SHR 跟RAID 1 是一樣的. 跟本用不到SHR 的功能. SHR 只是方便使用一堆 ...

Synology SHR Simplified

2022年2月19日 — Choose SHR2 if you can. It has the maximum hardware failure protection. If you need more space, go with SHR1 as it has 1 HDD failure protection ...


Since both are for home use, I would start over and setup SHR. SHR-2 is a waste imo, especially with multiple backups.

SHR-1 vs SHR

2017年2月20日 — SHR-1 writes faster than SHR-2. Once you get past a certain amount of drives this becomes less of an issue as you eventually start writing faster.

SHR vs. SHR2

2023年8月17日 — SHR2 provides superior data security by safeguarding against two simultaneous drive failures, whereas SHR only protects against one.

SHR1 vs SHR2?

The answer is SHR1. You don't need SHR2 until you have a lot of disks. How many is a question about the reliabilty of the disks and your risk tolerance.


2023年12月5日 — SHR-2是更高資料穩定性需求的選擇,能夠容許兩個硬碟的同時故障,可以比喻為RAID6的優化,同樣容許其中兩個硬碟故障的容錯機制,我們將將SHR-2和RAID6作 ...

什麼是Synology Hybrid RAID (SHR)?

2022年11月7日 — 新增一顆硬碟至由單一硬碟組成的SHR 儲存集僅會增加容錯能力,並不會擴充儲存容量。 將儲存集區從SHR-1 變更為SHR-2 的功能適用於DSM 6.1 或以上版本。